Acute unilateral facial paralysis with involvement of the forehead
Most common cause is idiopathic but there is association with HSV
Must exclude
Ear infection
Forehead spared in central causes except if you have ipsilateral pontine pathology you can have forehead involvement and peripheral nerve presentation however will usually have CN VI involvement (check EOM)
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome from Herpes Zoster
Lyme disease (MCC bilateral Bell’s Palsy)
Reduces relative risk of incomplete recovery at 6-12 mo
Prednisone 60-80 mg qd x 1 week
Ideal to start within 72 hours of Sx
Antivirals controversial
Supportive care if they cannot completely close their eye too keep eye moist and avoid corneal ulcers
15% can have permanent involvement
Follow up with ENT in 1 week
Trigeminal neuralgia
Paroxysms of severe unilateral pain lasting only seconds usually in the V2, V3 dermatome
80-90% caused by compression from aberrant loop of artery/vein
Can also be 2/2 MS, malignancy, AVM
IV phenytoin/Fosphenytoin
Abortive Tx lasts 4 hr – 72 hr
First line outpatient Tx
High risk of side effects
Posterior fossa microvascular decompression surgery successful in 70% of patients
Temporal arteritis, Dr. Boland
Temporal arteritis
Giant cell arteritis
Granulomatous, medium to large vessel vasculitis
Females 3x more likely
Rule of 50s
50 years of age, ESR > 50, treated with 50 mg prednisone daily
Cain cause painless ischemic optic neuropathy and blindness
Usually presents as a headache 85% of the time, can have jaw claudication, polymyalgia rheumatica seen in 50%, transient vision loss
Dx is confirmed by biopsy but if suspected start high dose corticosteroids prior to biopsy
If vision at any point during Hx loss admit, start IV steroids (methylpred), and have optho see
If no vision loss start high dose steroids (PO prednisone) and have optho see as soon as possible outpatient and biopsy between 1-2 weeks
ESR doesn’t have to be elevated (about 15% of time its not)
Pediatric endocrinology, Dr. Kopp
Considerations regarding fluid administration and cerebral edema in peds
PECARN DKA Fluid Trial
Compared fast and slow infusions of normal and half normal saline (4 arms)
Afterwards performed bedside evaluation of neurologic status (this is a clinical Dx not radiologic)
Bimodal distribution for presentation of cerebral edema
4 hours and 14 hours
3.5% had GCS decline <14, 0.9% had clinically apparent brain injuries
*Conclusion: neither the rate of administration nor the sodium chloride content of the IVF had contribution to the neurologic outcomes
Fluid replacement calculations
Fast replacement
Assume 10% weight-based fluid deficit, give the 20 cc/kg bolus isotonic IVF and replace the remaining with 2x maintenance over 24h
Dr. Kopp’s opinion: 0.45 NaCl given as a fast replacement strategy is preferred method as there was a higher incidence of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis in the normal saline group (not statistically significant but study was perhaps underpowered)
Slow replacement
Assume 5% deficit give the 10 cc/kg bolus isotonic IVF and replace the remaining with 1.5 x maintenance over 48h
Dextrose containing fluids to be added when glucose is 200-300 (i.e. ~250) or when there is > 100 drop in glucose between 1hr POC glucose checks
Rule of 50
Google and review it, V important
Consider inborn errors of metabolism in the differential of children who are hypoglycemic
Children with inborn errors of metabolism who present with acute illness, nausea, vomiting need prompt evaluation and immediate initiation of IV dextrose containing fluids and give them oral glucose immediately while IV access is being established. They can decompensate rapidly if kept in a catabolic state
Acute Coronary Syndrome or ACS is any condition that results in ischemia of the coronary arteries resulting in diminished perfusion of the myocardial tissue. There is a spectrum of cardiac diseases that fall into the designation of ACS including: ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI), non-STEMI (NSTEMI), and unstable angina. This discussion will center around STEMIs as well as introduce some STEMI-equivalents.
Chest pain is the most common presenting symptoms for ACS. However, 20-30% of patients presenting with ACS will present with atypical symptoms. There are associated risk factors for ACS as noted in the table below.
Atypical Chest Pain
Risk Factors for ACS
Dyspnea Nausea Abdominal Pain Dizziness Back Pain Palpitations
Age > 50-years-old Male Gender Tobacco Use Cardiac Family History Hypertension Diabetes Hyperlipidemia
Work-Up and Management
Patients presenting with concern for ACS should receive prompt electrocardiography (ECG) as well as CBC, chest radiograph, electrolytes, serum troponin, and PT/PTT. The 2013 American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines recommend serial ECGs in the first hour if there are concerning symptoms and the first ECG is non-diagnostic. The serial ECGs are important as approximately 15-20% of STEMIs are diagnosed on the repeat ECG. Missing a STEMI or myocardial infarction is one of the most common causes of malpractice for the emergency physician. The table below demonstrates the most common causes of losses in malpractice cases related to the cause of chest pain.
Most Common Causes of Malpractice Losses Related to Chest pain
Failure to obtain ECG Misinterpretation of ECG Failure to record data from clinical evaluation
Definition of a STEMI
Fourth Universal Definition of STEMI
1 mm of ST elevation in any two contiguous leads except V2 and V3 In women: 1.5 mm elevation in V2 and V3 In men <40: 2.5 mm elevation in V2 and V3 In men 40 and older: 2mm elevation V2 and V3
ST-segment elevations are noted with the red arrows. Notice that there are ST-segment elevations in three contiguous leads: II, III, and AVF. There is usually reciprocal ST-segment depression in the opposite leads associated with ST-elevation myocardial infarctions. In this case of an Inferior Myocardial Infarction, there are reciprocal ST-segment depressions in the Septal and Lateral leads. This is denoted with blue arrows.
Wellens Syndrome
Wellens Syndrome refers to angina associated with T wave inversions in the left anterior descending coronary artery or LAD most notably in leads V2 and V3. Wellens Syndrome often presents in a pain-free state, but those patients who did not undergo reperfusion therapy with Wellens Syndrome noted on the ECG fared poorly with 75% developing an anterior wall myocardial infarction due to proximal LAD occlusion. Patients diagnosed with Wellens Syndrome should proceed urgently to cardiac catheterization.
There are two types of Wellens Syndrome:
Type A is a biphasic T wave in V2 and V3 occurring in 25% of cases and Type B are deep, symmetrically inverted T-waves in V2 and V3 occurring in 75% of cases. (Picture from WikEM). In the EKG below from Life in the Fast Lane ECG Library , there are inverted T-waves in V2 and V3 consistent with Type B Wellens Syndrome.
De Winter’s T Waves
De Winter’s T waves were first identified in 2008 and account for 2% of proximal LAD occlusions making it a STEMI-equivalent requiring emergent cardiac catheterization. De Winter’s T waves are tall, peaked T waves in the precordial leads (V1-V6) with ST-segment depression at the J-point. In most cases, ST-segment elevation will be seen in lead aVR, however this is not specific.
In this figure, there are obvious peaked T waves in leads V2, V3, and V4 denoted by the red arrows indicating De Winter’s T waves. There is some ST-segment elevation in aVR consistent with this finding. A patient presenting to the emergency department with this ECG finding should go immediately to cardiac catheterization for likely LAD occlusion.
Left Bundle Branch Block with Myocardial Infarction
Previously, a new Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) was considered a STEMI-equivalent, however, recent literature suggests that a new LBBB does not often demonstrate increased risk of acute myocardial infarction. However, in 1996, Dr. Sgarbossa published a study of acute myocardial infarction in the presence of a LBBB with three criteria. Although the Sgarbossa criteria is not very sensitive, the findings were very specific for the finding of acute myocardial infarction.
Dr. Amal Mattu, professor of emergency medicine from the University of Maryland, separates the Sgarbossa criteria into three subsections: Category A, B, and C.
Sgarbossa Criteria
A. Concordant ST Elevation >1 mm in ANY lead B. Concordant ST Depression > 1 mm in V1, V2, OR V3 C. Discordant ST Elevation > 5 mm (not as specific)
In Sgarbossa A, the QRS complex is deflected in the positive direction (up) and ST-segment elevation is also present or concordance. If this occurs in any lead in the presence of a LBBB this is a STEMI-equivalent and the patient should proceed to cardiac catheterization. In Sgarbossa B, the QRS complex is deflected in the negative direction as well as the ST-Segment depression a shown in the example above in V1. If the ST segment is depressed in V1, V2, or V3 and the QRS complex is deflected downward this is also a STEMI-equivalent indicating acute myocardial infarction in the presence of a LBBB. Finally, in Sgarbossa C if the ST segment elevation is greater than 5 mm (or 5 blocks), this may indicate a STEMI-equivalent, however this is not as specific as criteria A or B. That being said, the finding of Sgarbossa C should prompt the physician to consult Interventional Cardiology as well as consider other signs and symptoms of ischemia.
Sgarbossa A:
Life in the Fast Lane
In the above example, there is ST elevation concordance with the QRS in the presence of a LBBB in lead aVL indicating a myocardial infarction. Notice, that this is the only lead with ST-elevation >1 mm, but the criteria indicates that concordant ST-segment elevation in any lead with a LBBB is an indication for PCI.
Life in the Fast Lane
In this example, there is concordant ST-depression in lead V2 in the presence of a LBBB indicating the need for emergent cardiac catherization.
There are many findings on ECG that could indicate either a STEMI, STEMI-equivalent, or the presence of ischemia. It is important to note that there are a multitude of other ischemic rhythms and this is a brief and limited introduction to ischemic ECGs. Ischemia can be present even in the absence of ECG changes or changes in troponin, so history and physical still remain the most important methods in physician diagnosis of myocardial infarction and ischemia.
For further reading for acute care ECGs, I recommend:
Electrocardiography in Emergency Medicine by Amal Mattu, Jeffrey Tabas, and Robert Barish
ECGs for the Emergency Physician Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Amal Mattu and William Brady
Electrocardiography in Emergency, Acute, and Critical Care by Amal Mattu Jeffrey Tabas and William Brady
AHA ACA – NSTEMI ACS Guidelines 2014
de Winter R, et al. A new ECG sign of proximal LAD occlusion. NEJM. 2008; 359:2071–2073.
de Zwaan C, Bär FW, Wellens HJ. Characteristic electrocardiographic pattern indicating a critical stenosis high in left anterior descending coronary artery in patients admitted because of impending myocardial infarction. Am Heart J. 1982;103(4 Pt 2):730-736.
Hennings JR and Fesmire FM. A new electrocardiographic criteria for emergent reperfusion therapy. Am J Emerg Med. 2012; 30(6):994–1000.
Lee TH, Goldman L. Evaluation of the patient with acute chest pain. N Engl J Med. 2000 Apr 20;342(16):1187-95.
Maloy KR, Bhat R, Davis J, et al. Sgarbossa Criteria are highly specific for acute myocardial infarction with pacemakers. West J Emerg Med. 2010;11(4):354-357. (Retrospective cohort; 57 patients)
Pope JH, Aufderheide TP, Ruthazer R, Woolard RH, Feldman JA, Beshansky JR, Griffith JL, Selker HP. Missed diagnoses of acute cardiac ischemia in the emergency department. N Engl J Med. 2000 Apr 20;342(16):1163-70.
Sgarbossa EB, Pinski SL, Barbagelata MD, et al. Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Evolving Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Presence of Left Bundle-Branch Block. NEJM. 1996;334(8)
Thygesen, K et al. Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction (2018). 2018 Nov 13;138(20):e618-e651.
Ünlüer EE et al. Red Flags in Electrocardiogram for Emergency Physicians: Remembering Wellens’ Syndrome and Upright T wave in V1. West J Emerg Med. 2012 May; 13(2): 160–162
As we know, point-of-care ultrasound has become an extremely useful tool in the ED, allowing providers to glean disposition-altering information from a quick and non-invasive bedside study. On my ultrasound month, I helped out with a patient who presented with shortness of air for 2-3 days. The patient was a fairly poor historian, but she reported progressive dyspnea on exertion for several weeks along with cough and orthopnea. She had no formal diagnosis of COPD or CHF, but she had an extensive smoking history. I was asked to perform a bedside echo to help narrow down the differentials. The images I obtained demonstrated some classic findings of right heart strain, and I felt like this would be a good opportunity to review some of them.
RV dilatation
As you can see in this parasternal long axis view from our patient, the RV is massively dilated in comparison to the LV. A normal RV : LV ratio is approximately 0.6:1. Anything larger than this is considered abnormal, with 0.6-0.9:1 representing mild enlargement, 1:1 moderate enlargement, and > 1:1 severe enlargement. When looking at the parasternal long axis view, you can use the “rule of thirds”. According to this, the left atrium, LV outflow tract, and RV outflow tract should be roughly the same size. In this video, the RVOT is clearly much larger than it should be. You can also get a sense of the relative sizes of the ventricles in the other three windows on transthoracic echo.
RV systolic dysfunction
In our patient’s apical four chamber view, you can again appreciate the size of the RV compared to the LV. In addition, there appears to be relative hypokinesis of the free wall of the RV, suggesting there is systolic dysfunction. The right atrium enlargement seen in this video also suggests that this patient’s RV strain was more of a chronic process.
Paradoxical septal wall motion
In a normal heart, the LV should be fairly circular in the parasternal short axis view, and the RV will appear more crescent-shaped. Additionally, the walls surrounding the LV should move inward equally during systole. In the setting of elevated RV pressures, you can often see the interventricular septum bowing in towards the LV, creating a “D” shaped left ventricle, as seen in the clip above. Interestingly, there are different variants of the so-called “D sign”, helping to distinguish between right ventricular pressure vs. volume overload. In pressure overload, the RV presses on the septum during systole AND diastole. Conversely, in volume overload, the septal bowing is much more pronounced in diastole compared to systole. Our patient has a D-shaped LV throughout the cardiac cycle, suggesting RV pressure overload.
McConnell’s Sign
This finding refers to RV wall hypokinesis with apical sparing. As you can see in the video above, the apex of the RV appears to bounce up and down while the rest of the RV remains stationary. In the right clinical setting, McConnell’s sign is considered highly specific for acute pulmonary embolism. Disclaimer:this clip came from one of Dr. Nichols’s patients who was later found to have an extensive saddle embolus.
Lack of respiratory variation in the inferior vena cava
The normal IVC diameter is less than 1.7 cm and there is a 50% decrease in the diameter during inspiration when the RA pressure is normal (0-5 mmHg). When the inspiratory collapse is less than 50%, the RA pressure is usually between 10-15 mmHg. If there is no collapse with respirations in a spontaneously breathing patient, this suggests markedly increased RA pressure > 15 mmHg. This is usually best evaluated using M mode, measuring the diameter of the IVC during inspiration and comparing to its diameter during expiration. Our patient has an enlarged IVC with almost no collapsibility throughout the respiratory cycle.
If you identify any of these findings on a patient in the emergency department, you should consider common causes of RV failure and strain, such as PE, pulmonary hypertension, left heart failure, ARDS, severe tricuspid regurgitation, volume overload, etc. Our patient received a CT PE in the ED, which was negative. She was subsequently admitted to the cardiology service, where right heart catheterization found evidence of severe pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension. After a few days of monitoring, she was subsequently discharged back into the world with a prescription for diuretics and follow up in the pulmonary clinic.
Highest mortality rate due to proximity to mediastinal structures
Zone 2: Cricoid cartilage to angle of mandible
Most commonly injured
Classically, zone II injuries undergo surgical exploration, zone I and III undergo further evaluation
Zone 3: angle of mandible to base of skull
Penetrating trauma:
Has to penetrate the platysma which demarcates superficial from deep wounds
Most common cause of immediate death is involvement of carotid artery
Hard signs of vascular injury:
Arterial bleeding
Rapidly expanding hematoma
Deficits (pulse/neuro)
Hard signs of aerodigestive trauma:
Air bubbling, massive hemoptysis, respiratory distress
Soft signs
subQ air
Blunt Trauma
Blunt vascular injury have up to 60% risk of stroke; if no operative intervention, consider ASA/Plavix/heparin etc
Denver Screening Criteria
Used to screen for vertebral and carotid artery dissection and/or injury after blunt head/neck trauma
CTA if 1 or more criteria present
Reduces number of missed injuries to <5%
Most common cause of death is neck vessel occlusion rather than airway obstruction
Also can have laryngotracheal fx, C-spine injury
If dyspnea, dysphonia, odynophagia, etc need laryngobronchoscopy
Ophthalmic Trauma Dr. Nelson
Corneal abrasions:
Richly innervated = very painful
Short healing time 24-48 hours
Common causes: mechanical trauma, foreign body, contact lenses, flash burns
Clinical features: foreign body/gritty sensation, injection, tearing, relief with topical anesthetic, can also have photophobia and vision change
Workup and diagnosis: eyelid exam with eversion, fluorescein exam looking for uptake
Consider corneal ulceration in contact lens wearers
Treatment: Removal of foreign body, PO/topical NSAIDs, abx (erythromycin in general population, fluoroquinolone drops in contact wearers for pseudomonal coverage)
AVOID pressure on the eye = do NOT perform tonometry
May have positive Seidel’s test on fluorescein exam
CT orbit if concern for foreign body
Management: urgent ophtho consult for repair, cover eye, elevate HOB, bed rest, tdap, abx
If no foreign body, IV fluoroquinolone
If foreign body, IV vanc+ceftaz
Eyelid Lacerations:
Ophtho consult for repair:
Lid margin
Within 6-8mm of medial canthus
Lacrimal duct/sac
Inner surface of lid
If ptosis is present
Tarsal plate or levator palpebrae involvement
Full thickness (through and through): high risk for ocular injury, eval for corneal lacs and globe rupture
Partial thickness: most simple horizontal lacs can be repaired by ED physician, ends of sutures should be kept away from cornea to prevent further abrasion
Lid margin lacerations: very small <1mm do not need repair and will heal spontaneously, if larger consult ophtho for repair
PEM Lecture-Abdominal Trauma: Dr. Elmore
Trauma is the most common cause of death in children from 1-18 years old in the US
Blunt abd trauma accounts for more than 90% of childhood injuries
It is the most unrecognized cause of fatal injuries
Children are at greater risk due to immature skeleton and they have higher abd organ to body mass ratio
Children are able to compensate in the face of significant blood loss
Clinical prediction rule may rule out intraabdominal injury in blunt trauma
No sign of abd wall injury
No evidence thoracic wall trauma
No abdominal pain
No decrased bowel sounds
No vomiting
HDS but concern for intraabdominal injury if:
Elevated lipase
Low systolic BP
Femur fx
Spleen most commonly injured intraabdominal organ, liver second
Pancreatic injury = classic “handlebar” injury from bike accident (also consider duodenal injury/hematoma with this mechanism)
Hollow viscera injuries are rare, but most common causes are lap belt injuries, peds vs. auto, NAT (rapid acceleration/deceleration)
As many as 50% of children with Chance fx have intra-abdominal injury such as duo perf, mesenteric disruption, transection of small bowel, panc injury, bladder rupture
TEN-4 rule for NAT
Bruising on torso, ears, or neck of child >4 years old
Any bruising in an infant 4 months old or less
Small Group: Abdominal Trauma Dr. Harmon
Indications for immediate lap in penetrating abdominal trauma:
“Can you come see this patient in triage? Their knee is definitely dislocated.” “Hey, doc, we’re bringing in this guy involved in an MVC, his knee was dislocated but it reduced on its own.”
It is important to be able to tell the difference between a true knee dislocation and a patellar dislocation.
Patellar Dislocation A normally functioning patella is nestled within the trochlear groove of the distal femur. Patellar dislocations can occur either from a direct blow to the knee or from planting the ipsilateral foot and rapid change of direction/twisting, either of which can cause the patella to become displaced from the trochlear groove. Usually the patella becomes displaced laterally.
Reduction of the patellar dislocation involves extending the leg at the knee. Gentle pressure can be applied from the lateral aspect, directed medially, while extending. Post-reduction plainfilms should be obtained to evaluate for any associated fractures. If no fracture, the patient can be placed in a knee immobilizer for 7-10 days and follow up with orthopedics. Patellar dislocations are recurrent around 40% of the time.
Knee Dislocation Knee dislocations are most commonly high mechanism injuries and have a high rate of neurovascular injury. They are rare, but it is difficult to know how many there truly are as up to 50% of them reduce spontaneously. The most common nerve injury is to the common peroneal nerve, with the popliteal artery being the most commonly affected artery. 60% of knee dislocations have associated fractures.
Treatment is emergent reduction and neurovascular examination. Presence of pulses does not exclude vascular injury. ABIs can be performed if pulses are normal. If ABI normal, may elect to observe the patient. If ABI abnormal, CTA indicated. If pulses are unequal, decreased or absent, you must ensure that the joint was reduced appropriately, and if still unable to locate pulses, immediate surgical intervention may be required.
Especially since both patellar dislocations and knee dislocations may spontaneously reduce, it is helpful to ask the patient and/or EMS about the initial appearance of the knee. A self-reduced patellar dislocation likely only requires plainfilms, while a self-reduced knee dislocation merits further evaluation for neurovascular injury.
Benefits and harms comparison based on pt type, technique, and devices
Methods: 1990-2020, >9000 abstracts, 99 studies
Results…inconclusive benefits, but harms: no difference in reported aspiration, airway trauma, regurgitation with any devices; BUT number of attempts less with SGA than ETI
Conclusion: current evidence does not favor more invasive airway approaches based on survival, neurologic function, ROSC, or successful airway insertion
More research needed, may be more useful to study ventilation management as it may reveal clinically relevant differences
Oral Boards Prep Dr. Shaw
Learning Points:
In every patient, unless something requires emergent intervention, perform physical exam head to toe
Remember to request repeat vitals
Use a systematic approach
Primary survey in trauma:
Massive hemorrhage
Hypothermia/Head injury
Massive hemorrhage:
Tourniquet: place proximal to bleed, write time of placement
Twist tourniquet until you lose pulses in the extremity
2 inches, 2 hours
2 inches proximal to wound
On for up to 2 hours (can be left up to 6 hours, but can have neurovascular damage)
PECARN = cohort of 20+ large academic institutions that combine to produce academic research studies
ciTBI = clinically important traumatic brain injury
Want to have high sensitivity = screening test = rule out ciTBI and need for CT scan
PECARN Criteria:
Age: <2 yo or >2 yo
GCS ≤14 or signs of basilar skull fracture or signs of AMS
AMS = Agitation, somnolence, repetitive questioning, or slow response to verbal communication
History of LOC or history of vomiting or severe headache or severe mechanism of injury
Small children = severe fall > 3 ft
Older children = severe fall > 5ft
Observation vs CT scan
Observation usually 4-6 hours; may take into account time from injury
Children with no PECARN criteria ciTBI predictors = lots of head CTs which could be avoided
Recommend repeat physical exam prior to discharge if observation
Severe injury mechanism
Children with isolated severe injury mechanism are at low risk of ciTBI, and many do not require imaging.
Scalp hematoma
Clinicians should use patient age, scalp hematoma location and size, and injury mechanism to determine need for imaging in otherwise asymptomatic children.
VP shunt
Children with VP shunts had higher CT use but similar rates of ciTBI compared with children w/o VP shunts. (limited sample size)
Image Source: MDCalc
Peritonsillar abscess
Presenter: Dr. Brett Nelson
Most common deep space infection of head and neck
Predisposed by previous/recurrent tonsilitis or pharyngitis
Odynophagia, drooling, voice change
Edematous tonsil, pillars, or soft palate
Uvula deviation
Intraoral US with endocavitary probe
Submandibular US with linear probe
CT head/neck w/ contrast
Needle aspiration – start near superior tonsillar pole, cut needle guard to protect
Incision and drainage – cut scalpel guard to protect
Antibiotics alone – Augmentin +/- Clindamycin
“Quinsy Tonsillectomy” – performed by ENT in severe cases of airway obstruction
Disposition: Usually discharge with ENT follow-up
Sialolithiasis and Suppurative Parotitis
Presenter: Dr. Kyle Stucker
Calcium carbonate or phosphate stones of salivary gland in stagnant duct
Here are four papers on ovarian torsion. If you suspect torsion clinically, do NOT be reassured by normal flow on USN. Only the last paper (12 years old) showed a high sensitivity of ultrasound doppler flow for torsion. The other findings matter!
20 cases, 20 controls. Pelvic US for ovarian torsion was 80.0% sensitive (95% CI, 58.4-91.9%) and 95.0% specific (95% CI, 76.4-99.1%) for reader 1, while 80.0% sensitive (95% CI, 58.4-91.9%) and 85.0% specific (95% CI, 64.0-95.0%) for reader 2.
55 cases of surgically proven torsion, 48 controls. Sixty-one percent of right ovarian torsion case and 27% of left ovarian torsion cases had normal Doppler flow. Presence of ovarian cysts was significantly associated with torsion. Sensitivity of ultrasound was 70% and specificity was 87%.
One hundred and ninety-nine patients presented with adnexal mass and intermittent lower abdominal pain. Sensitivity and specificity of tissue edema, absence of intra-ovarian vascularity, absence of arterial flow, and absence or abnormal venous flow in the diagnosis of adnexal torsion were: 21% and 100%, 52% and 91%, 76% and 99%, and 100% and 97%, respectively. All patients with adnexal torsion had absent flow or abnormal flow pattern in the ovarian vein. In 13 patients, the only abnormality was absent or abnormal ovarian venous flow with normal gray-scale US appearance and normal arterial blood flow. Of these 13 patients, 8 (62%) had adnexal torsion or subtorsion.
1. Ovarian Torsion is a clinical diagnosis. Ultrasound is NOT 100% sensitive.
2. Read the USN report, Just like a cardiac cath*, normal must really mean normal. If you can’t visualize one ovary, or have normal ovarian flow but a large cyst, or have edema, etc, that is NOT a normal pelvic ultrasound.
* A cath report that has 50% blockage in 2 vessels is not “normal” or “clean”! Caths with absence of a lesion that requires PCI (stent) can still have abnormalities that are very important. Remember, the 50% coronary plaques are the most likely to be unstable and rupture.
2. Consider replacing trach with standard ET tube and then hyperinflate ET tube cuff (may help if bleed is further down)
3. Insert fingers in trach site and apply pressure anteriorly against back of sternum
Image Source: Ailawadi G. Technique for managing Tracheo-innominate artery fistula. Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2009;14(1):66-72. doi:10.1053/j.optechstcvs.2009.02.003
Image Source: Ailawadi G. Technique for managing Tracheo-innominate artery fistula. Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2009;14(1):66-72. doi:10.1053/j.optechstcvs.2009.02.003
Lighting Lectures:
Presenter: Dr. Jordan Martinez and Dr. Adam Lehnig
Retropharyngeal Abscess
Age: 2-4 years old most common
Often presents after an infection, usually URI
May be precipitated by trauma, dental procedure, intubation, etc
Polymicrobial infection
Evaluate for airway compromise –> ABCs
Obtain CT soft tissue neck W (historically lateral neck X-ray was used)
Evaluate for signs of respiratory distress: drooling, dyspnea, dysphonia, dysphagia
Fiberoptic nasal intubation if necessary
Consider CT imaging
Antibiotics: IV Unasyn – first line
Polymicrobial infection – consider broad spectrum if known MRSA or pseudomonal exposure
ENT consult
Room 9 Follow-Up:
Presenter: Dr. Dylan Nichols
Two patient cases discussed. Both patients with bradycardia in the setting of acute renal failure and severe hyperkalemia. Both patients demonstrated transient bradycardia which eventually resolved.
BRASH Syndrome:
Renal Failure
AV blockade
Consider in: Elderly patients with cardiac disease on BB/CCB
Trigger: hypovolemia or AKI
Image Source:
Presenter: Dr. Matthew Eisenstat
Anterior Bleed (90%): comes from Kiesselbach’s plexus
Posterior Bleed: (10%): higher concern severe bleeding or arterial bleed (sphenopalentine artery)
Position the probe over posterior aspect of affected shoulder with indicator to patient’s left
Measure distance between glenoid and humeral head
Advantages: faster than XR, ~100% sensitivity
Disadvantages: less sensitive for fractures, operator dependent, not full agreement on measurements
Fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB)
This is different from the “femoral nerve block” and “3 in 1 block”
FICB anesthetizes femoral nerve and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Target: facial plane above the iliacus muscle. Infrainguinal.
Inject 30-40 mL medial to femoral nerve using a 21 or 20 gauge spinal needle and extension tubing
0.2% or 0.5% Ropivacaine or Bupivacaine
Analgesia onset within 30 min and lasts ~12 hrs
If using 0.5% dilute 20 mL anesthesia with 20 mL NS
ALWAYS calculate your dose
PE Clinical Pathway
Massive: hypotension
Submassive: RV dysfunction or myocardial necrosis w/o hypotension
Non-massive or Sub-segmental: no hypotension, RV dysfunction, myocardial necrosis
Utilize PERC and Wells criteria
See full pathway posted separately
Extremity Trauma by Dr. Caleb Davis
Clavicle fx – typically manage with sling
May need OR if there is skin tenting or blanching
Beware of scapulothoracic dissociation in AC joint injury. Requires OR
Luxatio erecta (inferior dislocation) – to reduce, push the humeral head anteriorly under traction and then reduce like an anterior dislocation
Scaphoid fracture – MRI is best imaging modality in the acute setting
Pelvic ring injuries a thorough rectal and vaginal exam is indicated to rule out hollow viscus injury from the bone.
Hip dislocation – need post-reduction pelvic CT to look for fracture fragments
Femoral shaft fractures
associated injuries common
Need to make sure patient is adequately resusicated prior to operation to avoid 2nd hit injury to lungs. Get lactic and ABG to measure resus. Place on 2L NC.
Don’t miss open fractures. Can be small “poke-hole”
Knee dislocations – get ABG and CTA
Tibial plateau fractures are often too swollen to fix initially.
Fractures 2/2 GSW from 9mm rounds or lower are not considered open fractures
Compartment syndromes
pain out of proportion (first symptom)
pain with passive stretch (most sensitive finding)
Clinical diagnosis
Airway Assessment and Interventions
Depth of sedation: mild, moderate, deep, general anesthesia
Risk assessment with ASA class and LEMON
Oxygen- preoxygenation and apneic oxygenation
Airway equipment
Positioning – put the towel roll under the occiput (NOT the shoulder) to align the tragus and sternal notch. Consider ramping the patient.