07/17 Conference Notes

  • Intro to EDH1
  1. Medicine admits all AIM clinic patients, EDH admits when medicine overcapped or medicine refuses admission/deems not good learning opportunity
    -EDH frequently admits NES patients who are managed nonsurgically but need PT/OT eval
    -EDH admits gyn/onc patients overnight. For new gyn/onc patients, call Dr. Todd or Dr. Metzinger and they will decide if they will admit or EDH will
    -During the day, call Dr. Todd/Dr. Metzinger directly
    -Try to use intent to admit to track metrics on bed slip timing

  • Room 9 Follow up with Dr. Whitford
    1. -Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis is an extremely uncommon but high mortality condition (80-100%) complication of thyrotoxicosis
    2. -Replete potassium aggressively. Avoid steroids if possible. Can give propanolol in conjunction for those patients refractory to potassium repletion
    3. VV ECMO for patients primarily with ARDS or inability to oxygenate/ventilate. VA ECMO for patients in acute cardiogenic shock

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