Wernicke Encephalopathy
- Encephalopathy, ophthalmoplegia, ataxia only present in 15% of cases
- Clinical Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Start empiric thiamine, give with glucose
- Prehospital though, give glucose first since thiamine not available for EMS
- 500mg IV Thiamine TID for 2-3 days
- Start empiric thiamine, give with glucose
- Ocular changes improve in 1 day
- Ataxia and confusion may take a week to improve
- Typically T2DM
- Mortality 10-20%
- Complications- cerebral edema
- Evaluation
- Glucose (Typically >600)
- Osmolarity >320
- Bicarb relatively normal
- pH relatively normal
- Ketones (Low or negative)
- Treatment
- Fluids typically 8-12 L deficit
- ICU admission