Just say NO to DESAT

I was about to spend a lot of time on a post here about pre oxygenation, specifically re: apnea oxygenation with nasal cannula. I was inspired be yet another favorable article in this month’s Academic EM (which by the way is going to be online ONLY as of Jan 2017).

Then realized Weingart had of course already posted a ridiculously good synopsis of what was out at the time.

If you plan at anytime in the future to intubate a human patient, STOP what you are doing and read the Emcrit post before your next intubation.

Add to his post the new article. And the common sense that a nasal cannula has no risk to the patient. There is just no reason not to place a 10L or greater nasal cannula on all patients during intubation.

Just finished writing the post and noticed EMLitofNote just reviewed this article, also linked to a LITFL post and a Rebel EM post. Their conclusions are similar, though they call for an RCT. Not sure we need to spend a bunch of money on an RCT. I say just use the cannula for 5 minutes while you intubate.