The competition

It turns out that the Mayo EM program has a little room9er of their own… except it’s public… and updated frequently… and has a fellow generating content for it. Truthfully, it’s a great site. Quite a few reviews on topics that don’t pop up on the other FOAMed sites (the killer rashes, retroperitoneal hematoma, tumor lysis syndrome). Worth a look if you’re stuck at Jewish South with a broken CT scanner).

Mayo EM.


Ultrasound IVs

We are pretty spoiled at UL with our nurses being the best in the hospital, and being savvy with ultrasound-guided IVs. But when you leave UL to moonlight or graduate and start a new job, don’t expect your nurses to be able to place USN IVs. At Jewish the docs do them all. Nurses in places other than UL are quick to call IV therapy, very quick.

Here is a nice article, one of the simplest but